

O NamaO nama

Firma Max Lab d.o.o. osnovana je 01.08.2000. god. Sedište firme je u Beogradu u ulici Mire Popare 112. Kako vec samo ime asocira, firma je orijentisana na prodaju laboratorijske opreme u dve oblasti korišćenja:

- Za ispitivanja metala, i - Za ispitivanja građevinskih materijala, odnosno geotehnička ispitivanja.

U oblasti ispitivanja metala, naša firma je ovlašćeni distributer za teritoriju Srbije i Crne Gore dve firme, koje su svetski lideri u proizvodnji specijalizovane opreme za sledeća ispitivanja:

- Oprema za merenje tvrdoće i mikrotvrdoće, proizvodnje firme EMCO Test, Austrija, i
- Oprema i potrošni materijali za pripremu metalografskih i mineralnih uzoraka za mikroskopska ispitivanja, proizvodnje firme Struers A/S- Danska.

U oblasti ispitivanja građevinskih materijala i geotehničkih ispitivanja, ovlašćeni smo distributer za Srbiju, Crnu Goru i Bosnu i Hercegovinu, firmi koje su vodeći proizvođači opreme za navedena ispitivanja i to:

- Grupacija CONTROLS Srl – Italija, proizvođač kompletne opreme za ispitivanje svih vrsta građevinskih materijala, kao i za geotehnička
ispitivanja, i
- Firma HMP GmbH – Nemačka, proizvodjač specijalizovane opreme za određivanje modela stišljivosti tla.

Bliže podatke o proizvodima naših ino principala možete naći na njihovim portalima.

Zahvaljujući poznatim ino partnerima, i njihovim izuzetno kvalitetnim proizvodima, kao i politici punog uvažavanja kupaca sa naše teritorije, od samoga osnivanja naše firme, brzo smo našli put do naših cenjenih kupaca i stekli njihovo poverenje. Na takvo poverenje, mi smo odgovorili kvalitetom naših usluga, pružajući našim kupcima punu uslugu pri uvozu opreme, kao i njenom kasnijem servisiranju i kalibrisanju.

Sa zadovoljstvom možemo reći da su naši kupci sve najvažnije institucije u oblasti nauke i obrazovanja na pomenutoj teritoriji, kao i sve domaće firme koje se bave navedenim ispitivanjima. Takođe naša oprema se koristi i u laboratorijama velikog broja firmi, koje se bave pomenutim ispitivanjima. Na najvećim infrastrukturnim projektima, kao što su Koridor 10 kroz Srbiju, Koridor Vc u Bosni i Hercegovini, ili Most na Savi u Beogradu, koristi se naša oprema, ne samo u procesu kontrole gradnje, već od samoga početka istražnih radova i projektovanja.

Pored spomenutih ino partnera, sarađivali smo i sa mnogim cenjenim svetskim firmama, koje imaju opremu koju ne proizvode naši stalni partneri. Tako smo sarađivali sa firmama TROXLER-USA, WESSEX – Velika Britanija, LOGITECH – Škotska, ELTRA – Nemačka, PAGANI – Italija, kao i mnogim drugima. I dalje smo otvoreni za saradnju sa svim proizvođačima, koji imaju opremu iz oblasti laboratorijskih ispitivanja, a zainteresovani su za nastup na našem tržištu. U tom smislu, zainteresovane laboratorije nam se mogu obraćati uvek kada im je potrebna oprema za ispitivanje materijala, i mi ćemo im rado pomoći. Takodje smo spremni za saradnju sa drugim proizvodjačima laboratorijske opreme, koji su zainteresovani za prodaju njihove opreme na našem tržištu.

About Us

The Max Lab d.o.o Company was founded on August 1, 2000. Our Head Office is located in Belgrade at Mire Popare 112 Street. As the name itself suggests, the Company deals in selling of laboratory equipment designed for:

- Metal testing, and - Building material testing and Geotechnical testing, respectively.

In the field of Metal Testing, our Company represents a legal distributor in Serbia and Montenegro for two companies which are world leaders in the production of specialized testing equipment:

- EMCO Test, Austria, Hardness and Micro Hardness measuring equipment, and
- Struers A/S – Denmark, equipment and materials for metallographic and mineral sample preparation for microscopic inspection and analysis.

In the field of Building Material and Geotechnical Testings, We represent a legal distributor in Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina for companies which are leading manufacturers of stated test equipment, such as:

- CONTROLS Srl Group – Italy, the major world producer of Testing Equipment for the Construction Industry, and
- The HMP GmbH Company – Germany, the producer of specialized equipment for determining the compressible models of ground.

More detailed information on our Ino Principals can be found in their web portals.

Thanks to famous ino partners and their extremely high quality products, as well as paying high regard to the interests of our customers, we have, from the very first beginning, managed to speed up our way towards customers, to meet their needs and gain their trust. Our response to customers` trust reflects in our high quality services, providing a full import service of the equipment, as well as its later Servicing and Calibration.

We can proudly say that all most important institutions in the fields of science and education are among our purchasers, together with all local companies that deal with this particular testing. Great deal of companies uses our equipment in their laboratories for the purpose of testing. Our equipment finds its application in large-scale infrastructure projects, such as the Corridor 10 passing through Serbia, Corridor Vc in Bosnia and Herzegovina, or the Sava Bridge, not only during the building control process but from the very beginning of prospecting and projecting.

Apart from the above mentioned partners, we have collaborated with a large number of world renowned companies that supplied the equipment our partners couldn`t provide. So far we have worked with the following companies: TROXLER – the USA, WESSEX – Great Britain, LOGITECH – Scotland, ELTRA – Germany, PAGANI – Italy, and many others. We are open-minded about working together with all laboratory testing equipment manufacturers that show any interests in entering our market. In that sense, all interested laboratories are free to contact us if they find the need for material testing equipment, and we will gladly offer our help. In addition, we show interest in working together with other laboratory equipment manufacturers that are interested in selling their products in our market.

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MaxLab d.o.o.
Mire Popare 112
11030 Beograd, Srbija
tel.: +381-(0)11 3056 822
fax: +381-(0)11 3056 823